Friday, January 13, 2012

Early tonight I went to the artist lecture with Casey Doyle and Stacy Isenbarger. I thought Casey's armored dresses were pretty cool. The idea that a dress is categorized as feminine clothing is challenged by the artists perception that steel is a masculine material.  Casey also talked about armored children's clothing. Parents can be very protective of their children and so armored clothing symbolizes the notion that parents would want to best prepare their children for the world.

I like armor mainly because I think it looks cool. I'd never want to wear any though becuase and moderate amount would could be ridiculously heavy. Modern armor seems really obsolete, so the practice of making or wearing it almost seems entirely aesthetic or even as objects of vanity.

I know of a guy that makes chain-mail armor. He also makes chain-mail hacky sacks. Tonight I looked up some info on how to make them, and it seems like some people use aluminum wire because it is fairly light. Someone else mentioned he preferred steel because of it's heavier weight.

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